“This little book is more valuable than all the books in the world,” – Ilya Leonidovich Tatishchev, the adjutant general of Tsar Nicholas II, used to say about his favorite book – the Gospel which he would always carry with himself and knew by heart. And now a book about himself has been published – about how he in and through his life had fulfilled everything that is written in the Gospel. The Tsar’s general, a diplomat and a scout, through his own life he has shown that there is no status in society and no circumstances which would make it impossible to stay faithful to the Gospel.
Here are just a few episodes of his life which this new book describes.
“Blessed are the merciful.”
While still a young student at the Corps of Pages, Ilya Tatishchev had acquired his chief talent – of bringing consolation to his neighbors.
One of the Corps of Pages alums, Mikhail Osorgin used to reminisce with great warmth about the kindness of Ilya Tatishchev. In 1878, Mikhail attended a special junior class of the Crops. As he used to tell, out of the senior Pages, he most of liked several people among whom was “the sweetest and remarkably handsome Ilya Tatishchev.” Once Mikhail found himself to be in serious trouble. One of his classmates slandered him, and the pages would not talk to him. Mikhail was deeply depressed and suffered greatly. And there were just a few people out of the entire Corps of Pages, who lent him their support as friends, with Ilya Tatishchev among them. Osorgin would say: “For me … came difficult days full of alienation from my friends. Only about ten people that evening came up to me and said that they considered this entire base story to be the fruit of misunderstanding, and Kotya Obolensky was among them, while from the senior class Ilyusha Tatishchev was especially nice to me since that time.”
In this way Ilya Leonidovich from his young years would follow the commandment of the Savior: “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall inherit mercy.”
“Do not judge”
This commandment of the Gospel seems the most difficult one to many. Nevertheless, Ilya Leonidovich, tried to follow it exactly, even with regard to the most “inconvenient” people. On extent of nine years he served at the court of Kaiser Wilhelm II as a representative of the Russian Tsar and was practically the only human being who could gracefully endure the Kaiser’s challenging character. Of the German emperor even his confidants said: "To get along with our all-merciful lord is a difficult task!" For the Christian soul of general Tatishchev, too, communicating with the Kaiser often turned into a challenge, since the German emperor was far from always distinguished by good manners. Hofmarschall Zedlitz-Trützschler wrote that "some of the Kaiser's jokes reached the point of outright rudeness." There were occasions when Wilhelm II treated his attendants in a very familiar manner, without being embarrassed by the presence of foreign guests. Russian General A. A. Mosolov said: "He joked rudely with his adjutant generals, even the very honorable ones. I myself saw how he slapped on the back (and below the back) even such people as Schlieffen".
Ilya Leonidovich also constantly had to face the uneasy character of the German emperor. Whenever the Kaiser was dissatisfied with any actions of the Russian government or a political publication in a newspaper, he vented his irritation on I. L. Tatishchev. He could go for long periods of time without speaking to him, sometimes for weeks, up to a whole month. Ilya Leonidovich bore such mood swings of the Kaiser calmly, waiting for his anger to pass, and at the same time did not lose his goodwill towards him. He did not condemn him and did not remember offenses, as the Gospel commanded.
And he managed not only to get along with the Kaiser, but even to gain his favor. German General Gustav Lambsdorff repeatedly mentioned the Kaiser's special trust in the Russian personal adjutant and the fact that Wilhelm II "had such a high opinion of Tatishchev that on various convenient occasions he had long and secret conversations with the Russian".
“And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.”
Here comes another commandment that many consider to be the hardest. But Ilya Leonidovich fulfilled it as well – he not only willingly responded to any request for help, but also did more than he was asked to do. This is evidenced by the following case.
One day, returning home already late at night, General Tatishchev found a telegram from his friend whose child had fallen ill. The anxious friend was asking Ilya Leonidovich to help him find a good pediatrician. The General, who had no family, naturally did not know any children's doctors in Berlin, but in spite of his fatigue, he went to get advice from his acquaintance, Vasily van der Flit, the father of several children, and the latter recommended him to turn to Dr. Baginsky, the director of the Imperial Children's Hospital. Ilya Leonidovich was not satisfied simply with the information: the next day he himself went to the hospital to make sure that Flit was right, and also found out about the doctor's fees. General Tatishchev sent his friend an urgent telegram with the information he had gathered, as well as a letter which he ended with these words: "I wish your son a speedy recovery. I kiss your hand. Sincerely yours, Ilya Tatishchev." Thanks to the quick help rendered, the child recovered.
“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”
Ilya Leonidovich remained faithful to the Gospel even in the most difficult circumstances, facing the prospect of death for this faithfulness. In 1917, when the Tsar called him to go into exile with him (which meant suffering and death), General Tatishchev agreed without hesitation.
Memories of many contemporaries about this amazing act of General Tatishchev have been preserved. Even the representative of the new power, A. F. Kerensky, found it necessary to note that Ilya Tatishchev in such a situation held himself to a high standard of integrity, and his behavior was an exceptional phenomenon among the courtiers. The former premier of Russia told the investigator N. A. Sokolov: "The Tsar had no constraints in the choice of those persons whom he wanted to see near him in Tobolsk. I remember well that the first person he chose did not want to be with him and refused. Then the Tsar chose Tatishchev. Tatishchev agreed. I find it necessary that you, Mr. Investigator, note the following: Tatishchev held himself in general with dignity, in general as one ought to, which was then a rare exception among the former courtiers".
The readiness with which he accepted the Tsar's offer is also reported by General M. K. Diterikhs: "Ilya Leonidovich was announced that he was appointed to accompany the Tsar to Tobolsk. At this announcement Tatishchev asked:
– What is this, an order of the Government or an order of the Sovereign?
– The Sovereign's wish.
– If the Emperor wishes it, it is my duty to fulfill the will of my Emperor, – said Tatishchev, and on the same day he joined the retinue, which was already with the Royal Family."
General Tatishchev went into exile not on the orders of the new rulers of the country, but voluntarily, because he loved the Emperor, had compassion for him and wanted to support him as a Christian. At the same time, Ilya Leonidovich was well aware of many sorrows and hardships that awaited him, but this did not stop him.
As can be seen from the memoirs of his contemporaries, General Tatishchev did not hesitate a minute, considering it a sin to delay when the Emperor asked for help. Lieutenant I. Tolstoukhov remembered the words of I. L. Tatishchev: "Whose conscience could dare to refuse the Emperor in such a difficult moment. It would be inhumanly black ingratitude to even deliberate over such a proposal, it was necessary to consider it as an honor.”
For Ilya Leonidovich, these days were a time of testing: could he fulfill the Gospel to the end? Is he ready to sacrifice everything, even his own life for the sake of his neighbor? After all, in times of turmoil, anarchy, and disorder, when the old foundations of life were being destroyed in Russia and the country was swept by waves of terror, an open display of loyalty to the deposed monarch meant nothing less than a willingness to make any sacrifice, even death. This required fearlessness, fortitude, and faith in God’s Providence. Ilya Tatishchev passed this test with honor. Voluntarily and unhesitatingly resolving to go into complete obscurity with the arrested Royal Family, he made his moral choice and with Christian dignity accepted his life's cross.
Faithful to the end to the Gospel commandments, he gave his life for them. According to the Gospel commandment: "Give to everyone who asks of you", he responded to every call for help, and we hope that now he is just as ready to respond to every request and, standing before the Lord, together with the holy Royal Passion-Bearers, he prays for Russia and God’s people.