The Feast
The Tikhvin fair |
This year is a double anniversary for our abode: 195 years since its foundation and 10 years since the restoration of the monastery. It is named in honor of the Tikhvinskaya icon of the Mother of God, and the festivities dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the abode took place on the day of the feast of this icon, July 9th. Before the revolution this feast was celebrated by the whole city together with the monastery: over all of Ekaterinburg that resounded with church bells and singing, a festive cross procession with the icon took place; a big Tikhvin fair was organized, and hundreds of pilgrims used to come for the feast. In a way, this was a second "Day of the city." Through God's mercy, this year we saw many of the traditions restored: again with the sound of church bells there took place a festive cross procession headed by our ruling Archpastor, the Most Reverend Vikentiy; again the Tikhvin fair stretched out by the holy gates of the monastery; again hundreds of townspeople and guests of the city shared with us the joy of the feast.
The Cross procession |
After the church service, Metropolitan Vikentiy congratulated everyone on the day of the abode and wished strength and patience to the abbess, wisdom and health to the spiritual father of the maonastery, Fr. Avraam. In reply, Mother abbess expressed a sincere gratitude to all who helped and continue to help the abode in its re-establishment, and she said that the main treasure of the monastery is not in its outward accomplishments, but in the unanimity of the sisterhood.
The Orthodox shop |
After the cross procession, the Metropolitan consecrated a new Orthodox shop on the territory of the monastery. The Archpastor also visited a charity fair at which the articles made by the children from the orphanage and Sunday schools were presented.
Also look: — Photoalbum of the feast