The Novo-Tikhvin Women's Monastery
 E-mail the Monastery   1 Zelenaya roshcha st. Ekaterinburg, 620063  Printer-friendly version   

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Main Page
Feasts and Weekdays
The Catholicon
From the monastery’s spiritual father
Charity Projects
Charity Refectory
Volunteer service
Greeting Cards
Contact Information

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Hand-painted icons by the sisters of the Monastery

Charity Projects

Most of all a person should learn mercifulness,
because this is what makes one human.
St. John Chrysostom



Attached to our hermitage today there are a free refectory and а Volunteer service. Through God’s grace there are people without whose assistance the existence of these establishments would not be possible. It is namely due to those people that the monastery has the opportunity to help the needy and thus fulfill the words of the Gospels: “I shall not despise the one who comes to Me.” And, of course, one can find the strength to do good sincerely and unselfishly only if he or she remembers the beautiful words of St. Theophan the Recluse: “In the hand of a needy person always recognize the outstretched hand of our Lord. He Himself said: “Whatever you do for the poor — you do for Me.”

Volunteer service
Charity Refectory

[ Main Page | Obedience | The Monastery Metochion | The Catholicon | The Heavenly Abbess | Contact Information | Russian version ]

All of the icons on the site are painted by the sisters of the monastery

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