The Royal Days at the Abode
The Royal days celebrated in our diocese, have resounded in
people's souls in many ways. For the 15 thousand Orthodox dwellers of
Ekaterinburg and pilgrims, the main event of these days became the night
worship service and a penitential cross procession from the
Church-on-the-Blood to the Ganina Pit. Other people came for the Royal
days to listen to the competition of bell ringers and concerts of
spiritual music (and perhaps, for someone it has become a step towards
faith). The celebrations have not passed by our quiet abode either. Even
though we did not take part in the cross procession, nor visited the Royal
sites or listened to the concerts, these holy days for us were filled with
important events.
Who told Americans about St. Elizabeth
These days have become a new confirmation to the fact that the memory of
the Royal family is important not solely for the Russian Orthodox
people. Long before the Royal days, letters from the faithful of
different countries started arriving at our abode: people were asking to
tell them how they could get to Ekaterinburg for the Royal days, where
they could stay, and what churches they should visit. We were able
to host several people at our place (not many so far, since the abode
does not have a guesthouse for pilgrims). So, how do people learn about
the feat of those whom we glorify at the Royal days? That's how Fr.
Stephan, the abbot of St. Nicholas church in San-Anselmo (suburb of
San-Francisco, California) answered this question:
Fr. Stephan |
- At our parish, people greatly honor the holy martyr princess Elisaveta
Feodorvna. All the parishioners know her hagiography; they know that she
received a martyr's end in the town of Alapayevsk. How do we in America
know about her? Oh, how much could be said about this! I'll just give
you one example. Throughout the world, the Orthodox chant the same
beautiful hymn, I will chant it for you now, and you will recognize it
right away. So, you've recognized it? How do you know it? Did a
hierarch tell you to learn it? No? Maybe then, there was a mass
propaganda? Neither this? So, what will you say: Who made it so that
the whole world would learn about this hymn and about St. Elizabeth Our foster girls: five years together
On the day of the memory of the holy martyr Elizabeth, our orphan-house
for girls was celebrating its fifth anniversary. We were recalling this
orphanage the way it was five years ago and rejoicing about how much it
has grown and changed. In 2001 there were only ten foster girls: nine
three-year-olds and one six-year-old lady. Our girls then would often get
sick; wouldn't know how to do almost anything, and were afraid of many
things. And now they are active, cheerful, gentle children who are
interested in everything around them. In these five years their united
family became almost three times as big: there are now 29 girls at the
On the eve of the celebration of the orphanage's anniversary, on July
17th, a great relic - a particle of the Life-Creating Cross of the Lord
from Holy Land was brought to the orphanage for veneration. This, of
course, was a wonderful gift for the foster girls and the staff of the
orphanage. On the day of the celebration, after the service, the cross
procession, and the meal, a moving staging prepared by the older
foster girls based on the letters of the holy Royal Passion Bearers
awaited everyone.
The Cross of the Lord at the Ural skete
On the day of commemoration of the Holy royal passion bearers, a particle
of the Life-Creating Cross of the Lord also visited our abode. It was
delivered by archbishop Vikentiy of Ekaterinburg and Verkhoturye and by
metropolitan Timofey of Vostr (Jerusalem Orthodox Church) with whom our
abode is united by old friendship. In his welcoming speech to the sisters
bishop Vikentiy said:
- The tree wetted by the blood of the Savior was accompanying us at the
cross procession from the Church-on-the-Blood to the Ganina Pit: this is
how much this event means! We were carrying the particle of the
Life-Creating Cross of the Lord and were not feeling the burden of the
way. Yes, our feet hurt, the body ached, and yet, it was easy for us to
walk - the Lord's Cross took on Itself all of our burden. In the same
way the Royal martyrs were carrying their cross, overshadowed invisibly by
the Lord's Cross. May now this great relic support you also on your
monastic way of the cross.