New Prioress of the Convent Appointed
December 26, 2006 nun Domnika (Korobeinikova) was appointed the prioress of our convent by the Decree of the Holy Synod. The former prioress Mother Superior Liubov (Nesterenko) was relieved of her post due to the state of health. With the blessing of the Most Holy Father, the Holiest Patriarch of Moscow and Russia Aleksey II, and with due respect to the enormous efforts that Mother Superior Liubov made to revive the Novo-Tikhvinsky Convent, she remains the honorary prioress of the convent and will live in the abode at rest.
Mother Liubov was appointed the prioress of our convent at the time of its founding. For 12 years she continuously endured this arduous obedience and showed self-sacrifice, love and true monastic patience. The Skete of St. Ignatius in Ekaterinburg, as well as metochia in the town of Merkushino and its surroundings were founded during the office of Mother Superior Liubov. A number of temples have been reconstructed in this location which was sanctified by the life and deeds of Saint Righteous Simeon, while a number of temples, such as the Temple of Archangel Michael, were built anew. Thanks to the efforts of Mother Liubov, the historical territory of the convent began to acquire the appearance it used to have prior to the Revolution. An orphanage for girls, a charity canteen for the poor, and an education center have been organized by the convent. The sisters of the convent work in the sewing and icon-painting workshops, endure chorister and translator obedience, as well as other forms of obedience, and they also work in the publishing house and the printing-house. Today the convent numbers 150 sisters. Even though the number of nuns was quite high, each concern and sorrow of any sister always found response in the heart of Mother Liubov, and the sisters, in their turn, would always respond with true love towards her. Our new prioress nun Domnika (Korobeinikova) was granted deanery as soon as the convent was founded. Throughout all these years she has been the primary assistant, a true helpmate of Mother Superior.
This is how Mother Domnika views further development of our convent and her new obedience:
- In our convent, where very different people live together - i.e. people of different age groups, nationalities, people with their own personalities and habits - the highest value is our community, the feeling of spiritual kinship, harmony and understanding. Of course, I think that this has been achieved due to the efforts of our confessor Arch-father Superior Abraham (Reidman) and our first prioress Mother Liubov. They created the foundation for our spiritual life, and, thanks to them, prayer is treated as a top priority, especially Jesus Prayer. It is very important that divine services are attended daily, and that the sisters are given time to read books by and about the Holy Fathers.