The Church of the Heavenly Abbess. The old church of the Theotokos is being
restored at the monastery.
From the moment of the restoration of the monastery, on its
territory there had been not a single church dedicated to the Mother of God,
our Heavenly Abbess. So now, the first stone has been laid: the new church in
honor of the icon "Joy of All Who Sorrow" will be built on the spot of the
pre-revolutionary church of the same name, defiled in the years of
godlessness. From the history of the abode we know that the former church
of Joy of All Who Sorrow, was the hospital church. It adjoined the
hospital building, so that during worship services, the church doors and
the doors of the hospital rooms would be wide opened, and the sick could
listen to the service and to partake of the Holy Mysteries. It is not by
accident that this church had been sanctified in honor of the icon of
Theotokos "Joy of All Who Sorrow." The services would spiritually support
the sick, and would help them overcome every affliction of body and soul.
Today the first stone was laid into the foundation of the future church,
and one likes to believe that soon on this spot, just like in the former
times, human souls will be healed.
The office of the foundation was performed by archbishoop Vikentiy
of Ekaterinburg and Verkhoturye as well as by the vicar of the German
diocese of ROCOR, bishop Agapit of Stuttgart who is visiting Ekaterinburg
with an official visit.
The monastery plans to complete the restoration of the church by
its 200th anniversary that will be celebrated in 2010.
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All of the icons on the site are painted by the sisters of the monastery
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