Rejoice! The Heavenly Queen has visited us
 It happened! The most important relic of our monastery has come back: the copy from the miracle-working Icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God. A fragrant path out of flowers, four thousand pilgrims, hymns honoring the icon that seemed to be reaching heavens – everything here was for Her, our Most Blessed Abbess, the glorious Lady Theotokos.
July 8th and 9th of 2008 – these days will enter the history of our monastery as some of the most festive and joyous days. We have been preparing for it since long ago: the sisters-iconographers were painting the copy of the miracle-working icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God for several months. Bishop Vikentiy consecrated it in Tikhvin on the 7th of July, and the next day the icon arrived at our monastery in order to stay here for good. On the day of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God, July 9th, the first Liturgy was served beside our new relic, and we carried it for the first time around the monastery.
This event has profound meaning for all of us. With our bodily eyes we observed the wondrous icon, the festive worship service, the majestic cross procession, and the multitude of the faithful, but this is only the visible aspect of that which was taking place. There is yet a spiritual aspect to it. On these days so many people were turning to the Most Holy Theotokos with a sincere, warm prayer, that She could not stay unresponsive and not visit with us. We believe that the Most Pure Virgin Herself remained with us throughout these festivities.
We were waiting not for a guest, but we were waiting for the Lady of the house and have been preparing as best as we could to receive Her with due honor. When a monastery greets its abbot returning from a distant trip, great joy is common among the monks, as it is with children who have not seen their father for
a long time. So, if we rejoice so much over a human being, then how great is the joy when we are visited by the Heavenly Abbess and the Lady of all earthly monasteries!
We thank from the bottom of our hearts all those who helped us, who visited the monastery on these days and shared with us the joy of the great feast!
The photo albums of the event:
In Tikhvin. Consecration of the new icon
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Before the feast. Final preparations
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Meeting the relic
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With the new icon for the first time
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