The spiritual father of our monastery is ordained an archimandrite
Bright week means Bright week means daily processions with cross and banners, as well as the joyous Paschal hymns and the exultant greeting: "Christ is Risen!" – "Truly He is Risen!" This year, during Paschal days the Lord has granted us a special joy. During the All-Night-Vigil service in the monastery church in honor of All-Merciful Savior, through the blessing of Most Reverend Patriarch Kirill, archbishop Vikentiy ordained schema-abbot Avraam, the spiritual father of our monastery and of St. Kosma men's hermitage, an archimandrite. The ordination was performed honoring the labors borne by Fr. Avraam and in connection with the 125th anniversary of Yekaterinburg diocese and the 200th anniversary of our monastery.
At the festive entrance during vespers, archbishop Vikentiy laid his hand on the newly-ordained schema-archimandrite and uttered the following prayer:
"The Grace of the All-Holy Spirit through our limitations makes you a schema-archimandrite of the honorable abode of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Axios!"
This very worship service the abbess of our monastery, mother-superior Domnika, through the blessing of the Most Reverend Patriarch Kirill, was awarded the right of wearing a pectoral cross with adornments.
The Photoalbum
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All of the icons on the site are painted by the sisters of the monastery
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