A Visit to Annushka
Religious procession |
Her biography written on the basis of people’s narratives recalls the old Russian lives of saints read long ago. Her worldly name – Anna, she was called Annushka by everyone in her village. From a child she led solitary life, never went anywhere, loved to say prayers, kept all-the-year-round fast. When she grew up and took the monastic vows, she with the blessing of her ghostly father, hosiomartyr Barlaam of Belogorye, began to give spiritual instructions to people. To attend services held in the magnificent temple in honor of the Archistratigus Michael in Maminskoe, she walked from her native village of Shilovo situated 7 versts away from it. We’re now inside the cathedral as well, standing probably on that very spot where she would stand. How irreversibly everything has altered: no trace of frescos, no domes, only one side-altar consecrated in the name of St. Flor and Lavr is nowadays heated.
The temple of the Archistratigus Michael |
However, more and more people attracted by the grace of God come here every year. This year not only the sisters of our cloister (what’s has already become a tradition), but over a hundred of the church people of the Ekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk dioceses arrived here. It was probably a century ago that these walls last saw so many praying and receiving people: the temple usually gathers no more than 10 to 15 people out of all adjacent villages. Following the Liturgy – religious procession to the cemetery, afterwards – pilgrim repast held right at the cathedral, and as usual everyone goes then to Shilovo to see Annushka’s well. The main sentiment that’s left after such a trip is quite joy, gratitude to her owing to whose prayers the Lord spreads His grace upon everybody who comes here. It’s not only a consolation that is found through the prayers of Evfrosiniya, she hears every appeal brought from one’s heart.
A view from the choir gallery |
According to Fr. Vyacheslav, a head of the church of the Archistratigus Michael in the village of Maminskoe, she has been assisting her fellow-countrymen for 100 years already: till 1918 during her terrestrial life, and afterwards – from eternity. Fr. Vyacheslav recorded the most vivid miracles. An abstract from a written testimony of the dweller of the village of Pokrovskoe Vera Mikhailovna: “I prayed at the grave of schemanun Evfrosiniya mentally begging of her for family well-being of my offspring, for productive work and for relief of pains in my arms. A few months later I saw a dream in which I went to the grave of the schemanun again. Suddenly I noticed a woman in white garb. She approached me, took my right arm in her hands and said: “From this day your arms won’t bother you any more”. And I felt the warmth of her hands. Since then my pains really disappeared. I feel well as if I’m a young woman again. Now, coming across the difficulties of life, I always apply to her in my mind: Venerable Evfrosiniya, please invoke God’s blessing”.
Two icons on each side of the Royal doors — from Annushka’s cell |
“I, Maria M., born in the village of Shilovo in 1960, presently living in the village of Pokrovskoe of the Kamensky district, hereby verify that I got cured at the grave of schemanun Evfrosiniya after I put my mouth to her tomb and cross. My right arm (a bone in the shoulder joint) was broken. I wasn’t able to use this arm in my work for 7 years. I could hardly knit and write because of pain in my shoulder. After I prayed at the grave of schemanun Evfrosiniya and put my mouth to her tomb and cross my pains wore off. Now I can freely work with my right arm. I easily knit, write, and my handwriting became more legible than it was earlier. In two days after the healing, I kept re-copying the life of hers for 5 hours. On writing 27 pages I felt no pain. I ask to document the fact of my healing”.
The sisters of the monastery will be grateful to all lay men and clergy for every new testimony of devotion to Evfrosiniya and for reporting the facts of her prayerful intercession with God. Such information being furnished to the monastery will speed up the process of her glorification as a locally venerated saint.
Also read — She who prays with us in heavens