Revival of One More Relic
Earlier there was a fine route round the land of Verkhoturye when a pilgrim on his way could visit several cathedrals for one day. From Merkushino to Verkhoturye the path lay along the road consecrated by the transportation of the relics of the Holy Righteous Simeon. Majestic and virgin nature was around. One of the stops on this way was at a chapel constructed at the bank of the river Tura, on that very spot where the Holy Righteous Simeon prayed in seclusion. During Soviet times the chapel was destroyed.
In 1997, thanks to assistance of Eduard Rossel, the governor of Sverdlovsk region, this place of pilgrimage of many faithful believers was marked by the cross. And now a small wooden church will be erected there. The initiator of that construction was the deputy minister of internal affairs, Commander-in-Chief of the inland forces, colonel-general V.V. Tikhomirov. Recently he visited Verkhoturye uyezd and couldn t remain indifferent and not to contribute to the revival of one more relic. The church will be supported by our monastery which is the keeper of that sacred place.
Also look: — Photos of this event
Also read: — The monastery metochion
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All of the icons on the site are painted by the sisters of the monastery
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