The Day in Commemoration of Simeon of Verkhoturye
In the Suburbs of Merkushino |
Prior to New Year's celebrations not only the sisters of the monastery but also many parishioners of our catholicon as well as citizens of Ekaterinburg and residents of the region enjoy spending their time in Merkushino. And this is not surprising. Advent is coming to the end and at that time city is full of haste and fuss - lights, music and stir are everywhere. But all that is forgotten and left behind when you just draw near Merkushino. Peace, snow-covered distant spots, thick virgin forests. And a small blessed church and quite monastery service in the village.
The Tomb of the Holy Righteous Simeon |
Pilgrims reverentially descend the grave under the altar of the cathedral, take holy water, pray to saint Simeon. During each service one of the priests hears confessions right in the grave. It is impossible not to rejoice seeing the church full of praying people. Not infrequently one can hear the pilgrims before departure say thanks to righteous Simeon for the honour of visiting this sacred place to pray. And they go away with the hope that they will come here again some day.
Also read: — The Monastery Metochion — The Book of Healings — You are invited to visit the metochion
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All of the icons on the site are painted by the sisters of the monastery
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