15.10.2024 |
Pearls from heaven, or spiritual revelations in our lives. Talk by Mother DomnikaGod throws us pearls from heaven every day, and we only need to be attentive to see and catch them. What are these pearls? We can call them spiritual revelations. Of course, these are not revelations about the destinies of the world; such revelations are granted to a few people in special cases. But, to us, other kinds of revelations, which the Lord gives us all the time, are much more important.
30.08.2023 |
A book about general Ilya Leonidovich Tatishchev has been published“This little book is more valuable than all the books in the world,” – Ilya Leonidovich Tatishchev,
the adjutant general of Tsar Nicholas II, used to say about his favorite book – the Gospel which he would always
carry with himself and knew by heart. And now a book about himself has been published – about how he in and
through his life had fulfilled everything that is written in the Gospel. The Tsar’s general, a diplomat and
a scout, through his own life he has shown that there is no status in society and no circumstances which would
make it impossible to stay faithful to the Gospel.
24.11.2022 |
Invincible weapon. A talk by schema-archimandrite AbrahamThe topic of today’s talk is the stages of the Jesus prayer. Unceasing prayer of repentance is the strongest means in the struggle against sin, but because we do not discern the stages or the degrees of prayerful progression, we may fall into mistakes that occasionally lead because of our inexperience to serious consequences. Prayer, as it is well-known, is divided into three stages: prayer of the lips, mind, and heart. This is the first, and the most elementary division. Saint Ignatiy (Bryanchaninov), a highly experienced ascetic, rightly distinguishes the prayer of the lips into two kinds: of the lips proper – articulated by the lips, silently, and prayer of the lips said out loud.
29.08.2022 |
The events of the sunny AugustThe last month of the summer gave us many sunny days. As the rays of sun, have the August feasts shined: the day of the All-Merciful Savior, the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. In addition, the Lord has filled the last summer days with amazing encounters and good impressions. We want to remember those events once again and to thank God for them.
13.06.2022 |
Faithful for good. A monument to prince Dolgorukov, general Tatishchev, sailor Nagorny, and boatswain Sednev"I shall never abandon my Crown Prince!" – said sailor Klimentiy Nagorny, as he was offered to part with the Tsar and his family. Neither prince Vasiliy Dolgorukov, nor general Ilya Tatishchev, nor boatswain Ivan Sednev were willing to leave the Royal family. These men were killed by the bolsheviks in the summer of 1918 in Ekaterinburg. All four of them are buried at our monastery cemetery. A stele is erected in memory of their deed on monastery premises.
02.05.2022 |
“Man keeps a memory of the paradise and acquires it in a monastery.” Elder Aimilianos about monks and monasticismWhat is the mystery of monastic life? Why do some people choose the monastic way and make their choice so purposefully? What are they looking for, shutting themselves in a monastery? The answers to these and other such questions are given by schema-archimandrite Aimilianos (Vafidis) in his book “The house of God is the Heavenly Gateway,” which is a series of talks with his spiritual children. The publishing house of our monastery has published a translation of this wonderful book.
06.12.2021 |
It warms even in December – the Sun of the Russian landIn the morning of December 6th, it was snowing so hard that one couldn't even see the sky. Yet, the sun
was shining in the church of St. Alexander Nevsky. What sun? The Sun of the Russian land – holy righteous great prince
Alexander Nevsky, the master of this church. Everyone who came to the feast – hierarchs and priests, monastics and lay
people – rejoiced in the rays of this sun.
22.10.2021 |
"How to save the entire family from despair" The everyday life of social service"I feel truly bad that the people who bring in their donations – clothing, shoes, stationery, produce, and so forth, – are unable to see the boundless sea of gratitude experienced by those who receive this aid! I don't know how to fix that... You should just trust me that when people get their pair of shoes or a backpack with stationery, or a jacket, or a bag with produce, they say: "Glory be to God!" It is God's grace that I am able to see how the help rendered to people changes them, how they sigh in relief and nod their heads, unable to believe their own eyes; how they smile, hug the item tightly and occasionally even kiss it!" Live stories: told by the monastery's social service worker.
15.07.2021 |
On Our Habit of Self-Justification. A Talk by Schema-Monk Archimandrite Abraham.We all like to justify ourselves. For instance, angry, short-tempered people are often rude to others, but in response to a critique they can say: "I am incapable of not getting angry – my parents didn't raise me right." Or: "That's my nature, nothing to do about it." Or even: "Who is being rude? I am?! It's a lie, I am always nice and patient with people…"
2.04.2021 |
How does one learn the will of God? A talk by mother DomnikaMany want to know: what is the will of God? What should be done to fulfill it? To learn this, some go to see elders, others
cast lots... Yet, there is a way to learn and fulfill it perfectly. Apostle Paul in his First epistle to the Thessalonians speaks about it briefly.
25.01.2021 |
Is It Easy, Embroidering Heaven?How is church embroidery created? It is an enormous labor, the complexity of which can be probably
compared with the creation of a film: Many people participate in the making of it, and both technology and masterful hands are involved. This photo-story was given to Pravoslavie.ru by the sisters of the embroidery workshop of the St. Alexander Nevsky New Tikhon Convent in Ekaterinburg, Russia.
06.11.2020 |
How to Describe the IndescribableSt. Iustin (Popovic) used to write to a certain nun-iconographer: “I wish you, my child, lucidity and
enlightenment from the Lord, so that you would study as best as you can the art of sealing in colors of the ineffable beauty of the Lord’s image. Indescribable, He let Himself be described, taking upon Himself the human body. He – the “Impregnable Light” – descended to us, having become accessible to us, people, through the “veil of the body.” To express this in colors is what the holy art of iconography is.” How can one learn this great, holy art? How does one describe the Indescribable? The sisters-iconographers of St. Alexander Nevsky Novo-Tikhvin monastery in Ekaterinburg speak about their experience.
07.09.2020 |
400 Years of the Wondrous Merkushino Village!This year, the much loved Merkushino village celebrates its 400th anniversary! The village decided to celebrate this event on August 29th. The year of the foundation of Merkushino goes back to 1620. This was the time when this picturesque settlement was visited by a hardworking and practical man, Merkusha Fedotov, who became the founder of the village. Soon afterwards the new village welcomed an obscure young stranger whom we all now know as holy righteous Simeon… Joyous Feast!
24.06.2020 |
À peer of elder Paisius – on happiness"Do you know the elder Paisius of the Holy Mountain? He and I are peers! I am even a little older: he was born in the summer, and my birthday is in the beginning of the year, in February." Indeed, nun Ekaterina was born the same year as elder Paisius, in 1924. The story of her life is both simple and striking, just like the story of any soul that acquired God after many years of life without Him.
29.04.2020 |
Week Bright as the Sun"Today is the day of the Resurrection, let us be illumined, o people!" – we sing at Pascha. Indeed, the feast of Pascha illumines life just like the sun. The church is beaming with lit candles; the sun shines on gilded altarpieces; faces radiate with joy... It is not by accident that the Paschal week is called Bright week. Pascha lasts for seven days, and these days fly like a single day or, rather, like a single Paschal service.
13.02.2020 |
How children gave a Christmas party for children
A harmonious "Ah!" was heard out of the auditorium after the curtain was drawn and would resound every now and then throughout the play... This is how the children from the countryside received the lovely "Snow Queen" play which their peers from the Sunday school at St. Alexander Nevsky church performed for them. The old story well familiar to everyone came to life and sparkled with new colors, confirming one's faith in the power of love, faithfulness, and good.
16.05.2019 | ||
Sing ye to the Lord our God, sing ye! An exhortation of abbess Domnika to the newly tonsured nuns"All of monastic life is nothing but the triumphant hymn to God. As one elder writes: "At a monastery, there never falls silent the sweet hymn addressed to beloved Christ. Unceasingly, day and night, monks lifting up prayers from their stasidia and in their cells; in workshops at the obedience, or taking a walk; during a conversation; in silence; in lamentation, "they sing to the Lord a new song." The new song is the song of love for Christ, the hymn of praise to God that we sing not just with our lips but with all our deeds, our heart, our mind, soul, and spirit." An exhortation to the newly tonsured nuns.
03.12.2018 | ||
Our taboo – not a word about your neighbor’s shortcomings«“We must tell anyone about the mistake our neighbor has committed, not even to him personally. Even if the entire world knows about it, we will not demonstrate to our neighbor that we know of his mistake. We will bear ourselves simply and naturally in his presence, so that he would feel like a king, rejoicing in the nobility of human nature.” Imagine what power is given to each of us! How important is the manner in which we communicate with our neighbors!» From the talk by mother Domnika.
17.09.2018 | ||
All of creation rejoices in thee, o full of grace! A church in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos has been consecratedOn the day of the consecration of an old Church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The Joy of All Who Sorrow" hundreds of people were praying to the Most Holy Theotokos. And we want to believe, that Joy that the church is named after has visited them.
23.05.2018 | ||
The Resurrected Church of St. Alexander Nevsky. A Photo-narrativeIt's hard to believe that this is the same old church building. Just twenty years ago everything was different: low ceiling, a small plywood iconostasis, floor made of planks, dirty-white walls... And now the church has resurrected and become like a fabulous palace! The Lord has done this miracle, having gathered 5000 people to work on the restoration of the church: architects, constructors, iconographers, engravers, and gilders... One wants to go back and reminisce on how this miracle came about.
17.04.2018 | ||
Pascha, the Pascha of the Lord! How We Celebrated the Feast of FeastsThis day is ever-new, ever-special. Everything is different today: our church became the Lord's Tomb, and we ourselves are no more just sisters or just pilgrims but the myrrhbearers who came to the Tomb to hear that "He is not here – He resurrected"...
7.02.2018 | ||
Every person is an enchanted princeChristmas is always full of miracles. The 800 children who came to this Nativity fest arranged for them by the monastery had a chance to see it on their own.
22.12.2017 | ||
The secret of joy, or how to prepare for the Nativity of our Lord in the right wayWhat do you think should be done for the feast of the Nativity of Christ to bring us special joy? To decorate a furry Christmas tree? To lay a festive table? To invite guests? All this is good, but the main secret of joy lies elsewhere
21.07.2017 | ||
Meeting with the Great-Granddaughter of Passion-Bearer Yevgeniy BotkinThe other day the Orthodox Ekaterinburg was festively celebrating the memory of the Royal passion-bearers and together with them, St. Yevgeniy Botkin, the personal doctor of the Royal family who was also glorified as a passion-bearer a year ago. Not too long before the Royal days, the great-granddaughter of St. Yevgeniy, Anna Konstantinovna, with her son George, visited Ekaterinburg. She also attended the Novo-Tikhvinsky monastery.
22.04.2017 | ||
A man is healed only through love"For all Christians, it is essential to accept each person the way he is. Let us remember one spiritual law: the fewer accusations and lashing, the more love. And where love abounds, there passions are healed and virtues are acquired at a much greater rate." From the talk by mother Domnika
11.01.2017 | ||
The Boat Sailing to the Kingdom of HeavenIn one of the churches in Holy Land there is this fresco. Sailing up to heavens is a huge boat in which the apostles, saints, martyrs, holy, righteous people and many Christians are gathered together. Some people outside the boat throw arrows and spears, trying to sink the ship. Yet, it is sailing on, because the Lord Himself is at the steering control. The boat is the Church. Those who are sailing in it together with Christ and the saints are we ourselves. Now, just like at all times, the Church is being attacked by arrows – people talk and write about it with condemnation. How should we receive it? Can those arrows harm us, sailing in the boat of the Church? Our monastery has published a leaflet with holy Fathers' profound answers to these questions.
19.07.2016 | ||
The Mother of God Comforts AllPrayers addressed to the Mother of God are never left unattended. As a true Mother, She always renders help, comfort, and strength to Her children, to all of us. On July 9th, the day of the Tikhvin icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, thousands of people came on Her feast day with love, joy, and trust to the Mother of God; and surely, no one has left unconsoled. Let us remember what this feast has was for us.
14.04.2016 | ||
Loyal to the Emperor, Loyal to ChristJust recently, at the Archbishopal Sobor, the passion-bearer Evgeniy Botkin, the last physician-in-ordinary of Emperor Nicholas II, was canonized a saint. The Ekaterinburg committee for canonization of saints presided by the father-confessor of our monastery, schema-archimandrite Avraam, submitted the materials for Evgeniy Botkin's canonization. Lately our monastery held a public presentation about the life and the podvig of the holy passion-bearer Evgeniy.
3.02.2016 | ||
Merkushino -- the pearl of the UralsThere are places that are ever-beautiful: at dawn and at dusk; summer or winter time; clear day or snowstorm... One of those places is the Merkushino village, the holy ground of St. Simeon that is often called the pearl of the Urals.
21.07.2015 | ||
We thank everyone for their love for the Most Holy Theotokos!The childlike, sincere love for the Most Holy Theotokos is the feeling that every Christian has. She is our common Mother. And this is especially felt on the feasts of the Theotokos. In those days, we come to Her as children to address Her in prayer, to venerate Her icon, to feel Her love. This year, as always, the feast of the Tikhvin icon was filled with consolation and joy. Thousands of people – hierarchs and priests, monastics and laity, adults and children, people from Ekaterinburg, out-of-town and out-of-country guests – all were sharing the same feeling... Dear brothers and sisters, we congratulate you on the feast of the Tikhvin icon! May the Most Holy Theotokos preserve you through Her prayers!
09.01.2015 | ||
A year of blue-green she-goat? No, a new year of God's goodness!In anticipation of the New Year one can often hear the following question: what is the right attitude towards horoscopes, Zodiac signs, and faith in special distribution of stars? Are horoscopes and Orthodoxy compatible? In order to answer these questions, our monastery has published a leaflet about the Orthodox attitude towards the signs of Zodiac, horoscopes, and animal symbols of the upcoming year.
08.08.2014 | ||
Her Name Means "Joy"Not long ago our monastery festively met the relics of a great Russian saint:
a small relic of St. Euphrosinia of Moscow had been brought into the convent. Her name means "joy".
For six centuries she bestows joy on all and remains exemplifying the best characteristics of a Christian
woman for all Russian people: as a faithful wife, a loving mother, a wise governor, and a humble nun.
25.01.2014 | ||
Christmas is always a joy!Christmas has come. In a small house four little brothers have wished their parents and one another Merry Christmas. All of them were joyful that Christ was born. However, they were a little bit sad because they had nothing to give each other as a present on such a day. And suddenly they heard somebody knocking at the door of their small house and speaking in a cheerful voice. Then… You must think that it is a beginning of a Christmas fairy tale? Perhaps, it is so, but this tale is not a fairy one. Events of the tale took place just recently at Christmas in a small village of Verhotursky district – the very one where the presents which you gave for the event “Make Children a Holiday!” were sent.
11.09.2013 | ||
Lord, I have Loved the Habitation of thy House…
Every church is a God’s sermon. In the ecclesiastical art, icon-painting, and architecture everything aims
to stir up the highest feelings in people – love to God, piety, and desire to pray. By virtue of architects and icon-painters
who labored at renewal of the Alexander Nevsky church it has become a silent and majestic sermon which penetrates into the soul.
19.05.2013 | ||
Alexander Nevsky church consecrated by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill Our convent has been waiting for this day for almost 20 years. Its heart, its main church named in honor of Saint Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky has been consecrated. On the 19th of May, the day of Holy Myrrh-Bearers, His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill performed a solemn act of consecration. |
09.04.2013 | ||
Conditions for perfect prayer. Talk by Metropolitan Afanasiy of Limasol (Cyprus) Great Lent is the most beautiful time in the life of a Christian; it is a time when we are especially close to repentance and prayer. The well-known preacher Metropolitan Afanasy of Limasol talks about the conditions for perfect prayer. The talk was translated from Greek by sisters of the convent. |
17.01.2013 | ||
"The Gift of Christ" On Christmastide week, the students of two Sunday schools operating at our monastery, congratulated their guests on the Nativity of Christ: their teachers, family, friends, and church parishioners. | ||
22.10.2012 | ||
If you want to know yourself, begin helping others “It is really beneficial for me to be working here, I discovered lots of "black holes" in my heart I didn't even suspect of! I always used to think about myself that I was very patient and calm, but as soon as I started communicating, talking with our patrons – and among them are homeless, sick, and simply old people with distorted world-view, psychological traumas – I suddenly discovered in me so many “barbs”. So, if anyone wants to get to know himself, one should start helping others, doing the acts of mercy, and these will immediately show you who you are! And then your heart will begin to respond to another's pain.” | ||
08.08.2012 | ||
Should one be afraid of evil spirits? A talk by schema-archimandrite Avraam "It sometimes happens that we ourselves are at fault in a temptation, yet we blame the demons. Everybody remembers the story from a patristic collection about how a certain monk was frying an egg on a candle on Good Friday. When the abbot caught him doing this and the monk started justifying himself: "It was the demon who tempted me!", the demon yelled from the corner: "Don't believe him, father, I myself am amazed by his guile!" On the other hand, one must not underestimate the impact of the demons on our thoughts and actions. This influence is much greater than many of us think." Fr. Avraam answers questions about how a Christian's attitude towards evil spirits and their participation in our life. | ||
19.07.2012 | ||
Monastic Elders in the Urals Perpetual subjects never get obsolete. And this is why, despite the fact that there is a multitude of books about elders and their spiritual principles, each new book about this is a big event. This year our monastery together with the Moscow publishing house "The Pilgrim" published the book "Monastic Elders in the Urals." This is a historical sketch, yet it addresses not just historians. Anybody who wishes to know about the spiritual principles of monastic elders, why this is important and how to have a sober attitude to spiritual guidance, can benefit from this book. | ||
11.02.2012 | ||
Rejoice, o all ye saints of the land of Ekaterinburg! Ask any citizen of Ektaerinburg, even a zealous parishioner: which saint out of the saints of the Ural land does he know? He will name about a dozen names at best, whereas in reality there are over sixty of them... February 11th is the feast of the Synaxis of the saints of Ekaterinburg, named poetically "a beautiful constellation of the Russian Church in heaven" in the akathystus. | ||
13.01.2012 | ||
The blessing of the Holy Mountain It is the second time that our monastery was visited by archimandrite Ephrem, the abbot of the famous Vatopede monastery on Mt. Athos. The elder gave a talk with the monastics, in which he had wise and useful words, full of love and consolation for everybody. | ||
21.07.2011 | ||
The Feast of the Tikhvin icon. Photogallery Harmonious sounds of magnificent hymns, a festive cross procession, thousands of joyous faces, bright smiles, and a sea of flowers... Such have been the Tikhvin days at our monastery. | ||
07.07.2011 | ||
Heavenly patrons of Urals Exactly two hundred years ago the residents of Ekaterinburg obtained great heavenly patrons, intercessors, and men of prayer, ready to help in any need. They came to the Ural land with as an entire heavenly host – twenty five martyrs, saints, righteous ones... It was namely that number of relics of the saints of God that the first abbess Taisia brought into our monastery. | ||
05.03.2011 | ||
The Chants of Ancient Byzantium A few years ago our sisters-chanters began work on the restoration of Byzantine singing. It seemed like the task was too grandiose, and one could not expect quick results. Yet, even today in the monastery's churches one can hear the familiar "Cherubic hymn" or "It is truly meet" sung in Byzantine style. And to feel that the tradition of this singing is truly ancient and close to an Orthodox heart. | ||
14.01.2011 | ||
The first akathyst to the Ural new martyr was written in the United States. Who would think that the hieromartyr Konstantin of Merkushino, a simple country priest of his time, would be well-known even in America, and would become one of the most venerated saints among the Orthodox Christians of Kirkland, Washington. And who would think that Americans would write his akathyst first... | ||
30.09.2010 | ||
Following the Path of Simeon Traditional Days of St. Simeon of Verkhoturye were celebrated in the metochion of our convent. A great number of pilgrims, grand divine services, arrival of the reigning Hierarch, Archbishop Vikenty, and certainly joy and consolation granted by the community prayer to the Righteous Simeon, patron of the Urals… This is what we will remember about the celebration. This year the day before the celebration itself, September 23, the sacred procession was greeted in Merkushino, the first sacred procession since 1917 that followed the path of St. Simeon. The Photoalbum | ||
04.08.2010 | ||
The Fate of Novo-Tikhvinsky Convent’s Sisters in the 20th century:
The Feat of Faith and Piety. Igumenija Domnika, the Mother Superior. The presentation about the fate of the convent’s sisters in the XX century at the “Orthodoxy in the Fate of Ural and Russia: History and Modernity” Conference dedicated to 125 years anniversary of establishing Yekaterinburg’s Diocese and 200 year anniversary since the founding of the Novo-Tikhvinsky convent. | ||
18.07.2010 | ||
200th anniversary: festivity in pictures This day is one of those that is left in memory forever. Our convent has joyfully and truly festively celebrated the great festivity – two hundred years since the day of its foundation. And perhaps, the services, the cross procession, and the festive concert had so much light and emotion, because they had been filled with your prayers and love. Festive photo-gallery | ||
27.04.2010 | ||
The spiritual father of our monastery is ordained an archimandrite Bright week means daily processions with cross and banners, as well as the joyous Paschal hymns and the exultant greeting: "Christ is Risen!" – "Truly He is Risen!" This year, during Paschal days the Lord has granted us a special joy: during the All-Night-Vigil service in the monastery church in honor of All-Merciful Savior, archbishop Vikentiy ordained schema-abbot Avraam, the spiritual father of our monastery and of St. Kosma men's hermitage, an archimandrite. | ||
03.03.2010 | ||
The monastery in the lens of National Geographic «The difficulties of photographing in a monastery are obvious. A prayer is a personal dialogue with God. It does not lend itself to the presence of a person with a camera. Yet, I saw a lot and was moved by many things. Sincerity of faith was evident in the solemn morning prayers; the hard work was demonstrated in the art classes; the talent and dedication showed in the icon painting... I was stunned how easily the sisters were able to bridge the gap between traditional spirituality and modern life with its new technology, when two sisters ordinarily took wrenches and other tools and started serious repairs of a loom....» | ||
14.01.2010 | ||
An American with an un-American destiny When a person departs for ever, one suddenly begins to see him more vividly and more clearly; secondary traits fade, primary traits remain. Archimandrite Joasaph McLellan died on December 18th at the age of 47 in Boston. Seven years ago, a friendship began between him and our convent when he started to translate materials for the English version of our website. An unusual combination: an American, a graduate of the Holy Trinity Theological Seminary in Jordanville, a choir director, a Ph.D. in Slavic linguistics, an educator in universities in Missouri and Princeton... and during the last year of his life – a novice, a hierodeacon, an archimandrite, the Head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem. An odd fate? No, it is simply that he searched always and in everything not for his own will, but for God's Will. He truly possessed the monastic virtue of obedience. | ||
25.09.2009 | ||
New pages in the chronicle of miracles "Holy righteous Simeon, pray to God for us!" – again and again one hears these words full of faith and hope under the domes of churches in Verkhoturye and Merkushino at the shrine of holy righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye, by his tomb with the healing spring. And nobody leaves without being heard... On the 25th of September the transferring of relics of holy righteous Simeon from Merkushino to Verkhoturye is celebrated. Congratulations on this radiant feast, and our wish is that through the prayers of the righteous one the Lord would fulfill all your good petitions! Today we are publishing new testimonies of miracles that took place through his intercession. | ||
19.07.2009 | ||
How we play humility “False humility is humility for show. You can be saying to yourself to your heart's content, as prophet David, that you are “a worm and not a man,” but in your thoughts you would be holding: “Here, I am a worm and not a man, and therefore I am better than all these people. Because they are not thinking about themselves that they are worms, whereas I do. Therefore, they are worms, and I am human.” The talk of the spiritual father of the monastery, Father Superior Avraam (Reydman). | ||
26.04.2009 | ||
Seven days of joy. Paschal days in pictures The festive "Let God Arise" merges with the singing of birds; church vestments shine in the light of lampadas; the unexpectedly newly fallen spring snow crunches under the feet of the church banner-bearers, and the exultant words: "Christ is Risen! – Truly is Risen!" fly up to the very sky. Seven day of the Paschal feast for all Christians is a joyous, rich, unique time. Daily cross processions, worship services according to the Paschal office, the arrival of the ruling hierarch into the monastery - such was for us the most Bright week of the year. | ||
15.04.2009 | ||
"Be saved in the angelic order!" A word to the newly-tonsured sisters “At the tonsuring, the soul is freed from all sins and receives special grace. When this grace is with us, it is easy and natural for us to spend entire hours and days in prayer. We think that all our life we will be near the Lord. Yet, the days strictly dedicated to prayer and tears are over, and we come back to the so-called normal life of work. And this is when we would need tenfold more spiritual vigilance, zeal, labor, and care in order not to yield, not to succumb to vanity and passions, not to let them steal our spiritual wealth that we had collected in our soul on the day of taking the veil and the days following it”. Great Lent is the time when in monasteries, among them, in our abode, a spiritual feast is prepared – tonsuring into the angelic image. Usually, upon tonsuring, sisters spend several days in the church without going out from there, dedicating all of the time to prayer. When, according to the tradition, all sisters were gathered in one of the Lenten days, in order to lead out from the church the newly-tonsured nuns with singing, mother Domnika said a word about the unfathomable greatness of taking the veil, about that abundant grace that is given to all who enter the monastic order. | ||
24.10.2008 | ||
The monastery received the relics of its benefactor Pray to God for us, o holy righteous Theodore! Our holy benefactor and heavenly intercessor dwells now through his venerable relics at our monastery: on October 11th, a part of relics and the icon of righteous Theodore Ushakov was brought to the monastery.
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07.08.2008 | ||
Archbishop Mark: "We must not get used to monastic life, a true gift of God" Born in Germany, highly ranked in the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, head of the European Eparchy with its vast territory – and Russian nuns living in one of the convents located in the Urals. We seem to have so little in common… And yet, within just a couple of days Archbishop Mark became a very close and dear person to us, a person who left cordial and hearty memories in the convent. | ||
10.07.2008 | ||
Rejoice! The Heavenly Queen has visited us It happened! The most important relic of our monastery has come back: the copy of the miracle-working Icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God. A fragrant path out of flowers, four thousand pilgrims, hymns honoring the icon that seemed to be reaching heavens – everything here was for Her, our Most Blessed Abbess, the glorious Lady Theotokos.
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27.05.2008 | ||
Reading the Gospel. Address of Mother Superior Domnika to the Sisters of the Convent. "Many people dream of meeting a grand spiritual advisor, a monk who would see the depths of one’s soul at once and could explain the causes for one’s grieves and troubles, who could comfort, encourage and what is much more important advise, how to live from now on. To find this, people are ready to travel to the world’s end and overcome numerous obstacles… And in this desire we do forget that it is indeed not necessary to take a long trip to learn God’s will. Each person can find revelation, consolation and encouragement virtually daily. And all that to the degree as if one had an opportunity to speak with a grand spiritual advisor every day." | ||
22.02.2008 | ||
The Church of the Heavenly Abbess. The old church of the Theotokos is being restored at the monastery. From the moment of the restoration of the monastery, on its territory there had been not a single church dedicated to the Mother of God, our Heavenly Abbess. So now, the first stone has been laid: the new church in honor of the icon "Joy of All Who Sorrow" will be built on the spot of the pre-revolutionary church of the same name, defiled in the years of godlessness. The office of laying was performed by the Ekaterinburg's archbishop Vikentiy and by the vicar of the German diocese of ROCOR, bishop Agapit of Stuttgart. | ||
10.12.2007 | ||
From Alexander the Blessed to Nicholas the Passion-Bearer. What connects our abode with the Imperial house In October of 1824, there was a great festivity at the abode: the sisters were welcoming an eminent guest: the Russian Emperor Alexander I. For them, he was not only a Tsar but also their benefactor: due to his royal patronage, the opening of the Novo-Tikhvinsky monastery became possible. At the moment of this joyous encounter no one could imagine that in less than a hundred years, sisters themselves will become the benefactors of the Russian Emperor, now Nicholas II... | ||
20.08.2007 | ||
Why the sisters sing Serbian songs « If someone asks the question, why monks sing those songs at all, I will answer: they sing them because they are monks. Who, if not the monks, can grasp the spirit of Orthodoxy, the spirit of sacrifice, the spirit of brotherly love to each other that is inherent in these songs?». The convent recorded a new CD with Serbian patriotic songs performed by the choristers of the convent. | ||
10.01.2007 | ||
New Prioress of the Ñonvent Appointed December 26, 2006 nun Domnika (Korobeinikova) was appointed the prioress of our convent by the Decree of the Holy Synod. The former prioress Mother Superior Liubov (Nesterenko) was relieved of her post due to the state of health. With respect to the enormous efforts that Mother Superior Liubov made to revive the convent, she remains the honorary prioress of the convent and will live in the abode at rest. | ||
25.09.2006 | ||
On canonization of the saints. A talk with archpriest Georgiy Mitrofanov. Our abode was visited by archpriest Georgiy Mitrofanov, professor of St.-Petersubrg spiritual academy, a known church historian, a member of the Synodal committee of the canonization of saints. Fr. Georgiy spoke to the sisters at the St.-Ignatius skete about the canonization of saints. | ||
20.07.2006 | ||
The Royal Days at the Abode The Royal days took place in the Ekaterinburg diocese since the 12th until the 23rd of July. The events of the holy days have not passed by our abode. These days we were welcoming the greatest relic at the skete: a particle of the Life-Creating Cross of the Lord, as well as celebrating the fifth anniversary of our abode and receiving numerous guests who came to venerate the Royal sites. | ||
09.06.2006 | ||
Hierarchal Liturgy is served at the skete Metropolitan Timofey of Vostr (the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem) visited out abode on the day of the apodosis of Pascha. The Bishop was serving Divine Liturgy in St. Ignatius skete on May 31st. The hierarchal service in our skete took place for the first time. | ||
29.11.2005 | ||
Mother Photinia, the abbess of St. Paraskeva monastery (island of Korfou, Greece) has visited our monastery. In the present time, mother Photinia is the only nun of this old monastery and she single-handedly undertakes the task of its restoration. Meeting such people who lead the truly selfless lifestyle always brings one great spiritual good.
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21.10.2005 | ||
A group of sisters from our abode accompanied by a priest have made a pilgrimage to a wonderful country. This country with which we are spiritually united, is adorned with multiplicity of relics, ancient and new monasteries, majestic cathedrals and small churches. The nature is picturesque here, the land is fertile, the people are friendly, pious, and well-disposed. Only one thing deeply saddened the hearts of our pilgrims: seeing the next beautiful cathedral with shining domes in front of them, they did not know whether they could cross themselves at it . the schism in Ukraine has not been overcome.
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01.09.2005 | ||
Two nuns of the monastery have returned from Beslan where they went in order to present as a gift to the Osetian people the Mozdok icons of the Mother of God painted at the abode.
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30.05.2005 | ||
A man, ardently aspiring to imitate the ascetic deeds of the Holy Fathers, is very rare these days. We were fortunate to host such a person in our convent for a few days. It was an Archpriest from Cyprus, Father Savva Mikhailidis, who took upon himself a feat (‘podvig’) similar to that of St. Vitaly of the 7th Century.
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03.04.2005 | ||
In our abode a book dedicated to the subject which is as important and interesting as it is insufficiently explored, is about to be published. It will tell the readers about the elderhood tradition in Ural.
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25.01.2005 | ||
Several days before the commemoration of St. Simeon of Verkhoturye in Michael the Archangel's church of Merkushino village, a joyous event happened: the imperishable relics of hieromartyr Konstantin Bogoyavlensky discovered about three years ago, were rested in a shrine wrought specially for them, a shrine which could worthily be called a true masterpiece of church art.
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15.12.2004 | ||
In the monastery skete, discussions on spiritual topics are not infrequent. And yet, every time the sisters are impatiently for them. A few days ago the abbess of the monastery, mother Lyubov talked about the necessity of a serious attitude toward the readings of the holy fathers.
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26.10.2004 | ||
This month our abode was receiving very dear and long-awaited guests: a group of pilgrims from the German eparchy with bishop Agapit (Gorachek) of Stuttgart at the head.
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05.10.2004 | ||
Bishop Mikhail of Boston, the vicar of Eastern American eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, is vising our eparchy as a pilgrim. His Eminence has visited our abode as well.
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12.08.2004 | ||
In 2004, it turned 400 years since the time of the foundation of the Verkhotursky St. Nicholas men's monastery, and 300 years since the time of transfer to this monastery of the incorrupt relics of St. righteous Simeon from Merkushino village. Both these remarkable anniversaries were celebrated from August 8th until August 12th.
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03.08.2004 | ||
Sisters are sincerely grateful to all those who help our abode in preparation for the all-diocesan festivities that will take place on August 10th through 12th
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09.07.2004 | ||
Yesterday our abode celebrated a double feast. To the day of the Tikhvinskaya icon of the Mother of God in whose honor our monastery is named, was added the feast concerned with the tenth anniversary since the beginning of the restoration of our abode. We are sincerely grateful to all who took part in the celebration: it was a true summer Pascha.
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08.07.2004 | ||
Yesterday at the Sverdlovsk museum of Local History the Most Reverend Vikentiy, archbishop of Ekaterinburg and Verkhoturye, inaugurated an exhibition that was timed to the anniversary of our monastery, the oldest one in Ekaterinburg. At the inauguration the government representatives and the city's intelligentsia were present.
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10.06.2004 | ||
The sisters have completed an embroidered vestment which was handed over to the Orthodox church in the city of Bari on the day of commemoration of St. Nicholas.
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02.06.2004 | ||
The monastery in collaboration with the Moscow publishing house “Palomnik” (“Pilgrim”) has published a talk by our spiritual father abbot Avraam (Reydman) about the great event of Christ's resurrection. The new, graphically designed book is called “The Truth of the Resurrection.”
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06.05.2004 | ||
The oldest sister of our monastery, nun Georgia (Glafira Nikitichna Yarutina) turns 90.
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23.03.2004 | ||
Sisters of the icon-painting workshop are continuously receiving orders for painting family icons and small home iconostases.
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02.02.2004 | ||
Yesterday there was a unique cross mounted at the main dome of the at the cathedral in honor of St. Alexander Nevskiy.
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22.01.2004 | ||
Our cloister is taking part in the Second All-Church exhibition “The Orthodox Russia”. For us, participation in the exhibition is particularly symbolic. Exactly 100 years back during the first All-Russian exhibition at the Tavrichesky Palace of Saint Petersburg our cloister was awarded a prize for “beautifully sewed pictures and images”. And this year we were granted an honor of gifting embroidered works of our sisters to the Patriarchs of two Churches.
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12.01.2004 | ||
The glorification among the saints of elder Vasilisk of Siberia took place on January 11th. It could be said without exaggeration that this event is important for the entire Church. And especially for us, since the sisters had the opportunity to contribute to the act of glorification of the new saint of God.
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15.11.2003 | ||
Our cloister took part in a trade display “The Orthodox Russia” which was held in St. Petersburg in the exposition center of the Michael manege. During this exhibition there was a show of books nominated for the annual All-Russian Prize “The Orthodox book of Russia” organized, and our convent was awarded the first prize in the nomination “The best Orthodox book for children”.
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12.11.2003 | ||
On the 25th of October which is considered to be the day of commemoration of the Ural hermit Annushka – schemanun Evfrosiniya (Mezenova), the sisters of the monastery and over a hundred of the church people of the Ekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk dioceses went for a pilgrim trip to the villages of Maminskoe and Shilovo of the Kamensk-Uralsky district. A visit to Annushka is always a holiday.
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25.10.2003 | ||
Not long ago a group of the sisters of our monastery came back from the trip to the Vladimir and Suzdal land. Such trips when the sisters get familiar with the ancient samples are simply indispensable for the development of the icon-painting and sewing obediences. It is not less important that the sisters were accompanied by the Moscow art critic and byzantinist A. I. Yakovleva.
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12.09.2003 | ||
The twelfth of September is celebrated as our patronal festival. The main cathedral of the cloister is named in honor of Saint Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. Nowadays, it is being vacated from the museum archives and we expect to have it involved in restoration next year.
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03.09.2003 | ||
The time of lents is the time of deep repentance. This is why taking of monastic vows is traditionally done during lents. This year, upon the blessing of the Ruling bishop, taking the veil into schema was done for the first time at our abode.
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26.08.2003 | ||
A new collection of talks of hegumen Abraham (Reydman), a ghostly father of two Ekaterinburg monasteries — our cloister and the men’s monastery in the name of All-Merciful Jesus Christ was issued in our publishing house.
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01.08.2003 | ||
The sisters of the monastery’s sewing workshop have filled a large order from the Sarov-Diveevo convent and the Sarov hermitage for the festivities surrounding the 100th anniversary of the canonization of Saint Seraphim of Sarov.
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27.07.2003 | ||
Merkushino village has been long known in the Orthodox world as the place of discovery of relics of saint righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye. After about 300 years later a new miracle happened here: the relics of a new saint have been found.
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11.07.2003 | ||
The ninth of July is a special day for us, for today we hold celebration of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God in honor of which our cloister got the name of the Novo-Tikhvin women’s monastery.
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05.07.2003 | ||
Recently, on the website of the electronic library “Historical atlas of Christianity in Russia” where different materials on the history, sociology and culture of Christianity in Russia are collected, a new article devoted to our monastery “The largest Ural women’s cloister” was published.
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14.06.2003 | ||
The sisters of the monastery icon-painting workshop are laboring to fulfill a crucially important order: they are painting icons for the iconostases of the Cathedral on the Blood.
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31.05.2003 | ||
May 31st is the day of commemoration of schema-nun Evfrosiniya (Mezenova) who is frequently simply called Annushka, and who is venerated in our abode.
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26.05.2003 | ||
On the 26th of May a remarkable event taking place no more than several times during life of one cloister occurred: a newly restored church was consecrated in a new metochion. The church was consecrated by Vikenty, the Archbishop of Ekaterinburg and Verkhoturye.
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22.05.2003 | ||
The first bishop’s vestments have been made at the sewing workshop of our monastery.
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08.04.2003 | ||
With participation of the Ekaterinburg All Saints Charity Fund icons painted by the nuns of the Novo-Tikhvin Monastery have been donated to some churches in Russia and abroad.
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26.03.2003 | ||
The archives obedience was established in the monastery only last year. First we only had a list of nuns who used to inhabit the monastery. But with kind assistance of the people who have responded to the request of the monastery archives this list is gradually being enlivened with stories of sisters’ lives; we come to know their lifestories, their characters and episodes from their lives.
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30.01.2003 | |||
The sisters from the sewing workshop have finished their first embroidered gonfalon for the army church.